Wellbeing In The Workplace

Wellbeing In The Workplace

28 July 2022

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According to Champion Health’s analysis of Google data, the search terms “introducing wellbeing at work” and “employee wellbeing platform” saw increases of 900% and 800% respectively in 2020 compared to 2019. The main driver of this upsurge is without doubt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It brought into sharp focus for us all the importance of looking after our wellbeing. Many employers realised that there is now an expectation to place a greater emphasis on wellbeing in the workplace.

Workplace wellbeing has numerous definitions. A common theme across all definitions though is that it refers to the physical, mental, financial and social wellbeing of staff. This is influenced by factors including pay, relationships, working hours, the working environment and policies and procedures.

Why is workplace wellbeing important?

Employees spend a large part of their day at work and it is therefore incumbent on employers to take workplace wellbeing seriously. Employers need to foster an environment in which people are happy and their wellbeing needs are met. By creating this positive dynamic, both employees and the employer will benefit as staff are likely to have increased resilience. Sickness absence will also be lower and performance, engagement and productivity will be higher, it’s a win-win.

How to implement wellbeing into your workplace

Workplace wellbeing programmes should never be one size fits all. Each business and its staff will have their own priorities which over time will change. It’s paramount that employers engage their staff in the process and find out what wellbeing concerns they have and how they think these concerns can be addressed. You can then formulate a wellbeing offer that is tailored to provide targeted, relevant support.

By doing so, you will instantly get staff buy and you won’t fritter away valuable time and resources. Workplace wellbeing programmes should also never stand alone. They must be part of a cohesive plan that embeds employee wellbeing in an organisation’s culture, values and leadership. If this doesn’t happen, then all employers are doing is creating something for the sake of it. It becomes a tick-box exercise rather than something which is believed in. You want a programme which grows and evolves over time through regular feedback and review.

Can HR software support workplace wellbeing?

Absolutely! HR software, just like our very own HRX, can support and inform workplace wellbeing. By using HRX’s sickness recording and reporting, you can easily identify areas of an individual where you have concerns. That way, you can support their wellbeing appropriately.

Your HRX dashboard and holiday requests will also show you at a glance who has taken annual leave and who has some left. By looking at staff who may have not taken much, or indeed any leave, you can use that information to prompt a conversation about their wellbeing. You can encourage the need to look after their physical and mental health by using holidays to take a break from work.

HRX also contains a benefits section in each employee record so you can track and report on the take up of wellbeing benefits within your company. This will provide invaluable data as to how many people have signed up for a particular benefit and if it is therefore worthwhile.

Workplace wellbeing is here to stay. It will no doubt continue to advance and respond to changes in demand and the wider world. To be an employer of choice, companies must listen to staff. They must present a suitable, holistic wellbeing offer by using a range of technology, including systems like HRX. That way, they can be at the leading edge of looking after their employees.

To see how HRX can support your approach to workplace wellbeing and much more, sign up for our free 30-day trial.

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